Bright Lights (2019) presented at Visual Arts (VA) Building Gallery in Montreal, QC

Bright lights

The making of “Bright lights” was inspired by artist Kara Walker and her exploration of race, violence, and identity through working with silhouettes. The audio, the comic strip, and the portraits all work within another for showcasing the current ongoing problem with the unjust deaths of people of color in North America.
Represented above are portraits of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Stephon Clark, Atatiana Koquice Jefferson, Eric Garner and Amadou Diallo.

Accompanying audio to part 1 of "Bright Lights". To be listened to with the link provided as you go through the images.

(Part 1) Black paper cut-outs on clear acetate 13 in. x 39 in. (Per strip of 4 images) 2019

(Part 2) Black paper cut-outs on clear acetate26 in. x 20 in.(Per portrait) 2019 
