
Wendy-Alexina Vancol is a Canadian Haitian illustrator, and painter based in her hometown of Tiohtià:ke/Montreal. 

Her work challenges stereotypical depictions of black bodies in predominantly white spaces. Using surreal imagery and dynamic color palettes, she spotlights her black identity and explores themes of inclusivity, family relations, marginalization, social pressure and prejudice. 

Vancol is a recipient of the CUAA Fine Arts Award (2021), has presented a solo exhibition at the Maison de la culture de NDG in Montreal (2022-2023), is part of Concordia University’s Art Volt collection (2024) and completed a half-year residency at the Jano Lapin Gallery (2024). She participated in the creation of a collective artwork for Loto-Québec, which was showcased at Place-des-Arts in Montreal as part of a provincial campaign (2024). Vancol received her BFA from Concordia University in Studio Arts (2021). She is set to showcase her artwork in Montreal, QC this fall as part of the 2024 cohort of ARTCH. 

Photo credit 📸: Hamlin @hamborghini.l

Artist statement

Rooted in illustration and painting, Vancol’s artistic practice draws inspiration from the dynamic storytelling of sequential art, akin to comic books. This influence enables her to weave personal observations into narratives that encompass fragments of her own life and the lives of her family and those within her community. 

Any element of her environment, from scratch patterns on their parents' kitchen floor to the intricate details of their living room photo frames, serve as a wellspring of inspiration. This deep connection to her daily surroundings has cultivated a distinctive artistic identity that seamlessly merges with various mediums, resulting in a surrealistic style that draws out colorful and exciting aspects of life. 

As a black woman facing both physical and social hurdles, Vancol is committed to giving voice to individuals whose stories often go unnoticed or overlooked. This commitment stems from her experience of her parents' journey from Haiti to Montreal, which has deeply impacted her understanding of them and profoundly shaped her own life. Fueled by compassion and understanding, she brings attention to these stories, seeing them as crucial pieces in her understanding of the individuals she portrays in her art. 

Vancol seeks to showcase narratives that transcend typical portrayals of black experiences focused solely on adversity. Her aim is not only to assert her presence but also to uncover the depth and inspiration within each story. Through her work, she endeavors to explore authentic narratives, celebrate diversity and resilience, and foster inclusivity within the art world. 


Article: ATX Magazine, "10 New Austin Artists You Need To Know About," January 2008

Article: Concept Magazine, "The Future of Concept Art As We Know It," May 2015

Featured Artist: ExploratoryArt, "Lewis Bowers and His Ever Expanding Creative Mind," June 2017

Article: The Alta Vista Times, "Imagining Life Through Concept Art," December 2018


2007 - Best in Show, ATX CFA Awards, Austin, TX

2008 - Best New Artist, Concept Awards, Houston, TX

2010 - Excellence in Concept Art, CA Conference, Dallas, TX

2012 - Audience Choice Award, AVA Awards, Austin, TX

2015 - Best Piece, Hanover Awards Nomination, Austin, TX

2018 - Best Artist, Western Art Awards, Los Angeles, CA

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