Sou Wout La 
The solo exhibition took place at La maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grace Montréal, QC from November 24th 2022- January 8th 2023

Project Statement

Seri sa a montre eksplorasyon atis la nan dyaspora ayisyen an jan li egziste nan vil natal li Monreyal. Gras a divès mwayen transpò, penti yo gide spektatè a nan tout kwen vil la. Pandan vwayaj sa a, atis la eksprime souvni yo ak ensekirite ki lye ak idantite kiltirèl li, fè efò pou fòme yon fil komen ak jenerasyon imigran ki vin anvan li.

Sou Wout la (which translates to On the Road) follows Wendy-Alexina's daily journey through her hometown, Montreal, in her quest to fortify her relationship with her Haitian culture.  

Through an excursion in various means of public transportation, the viewer explores the metropolitan area from a new perspective that reveals the physical and cultural roots instilled by the Haitian people.   

To this end, this particular journey illustrates the lack of cultural belonging often felt by the children of immigrants and highlights their community of origin already present in their daily lives.

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